Friday, October 24, 2008

Fake News

In today's media driven culture, it seems like we take everything at face-value. Nothing that we are told, sold, or shown is questioned anymore - especially by our generation. That is a discussion all on it's own, but what should be focused on when discussing news or, more appropriately "fake news" is who is behind it, and why it is that we as a whole never see that side.
I had never really thought of this until I started reading "Toxic Sludge Is Good For You; Lies, Damn Lies, And the Public Relations Industry". From the very beginning of the book, they describe cases in which PR companies, hired by larger corporations, alter and manipulate what the public sees and hears regarding certain things - things which could be harmful to the corporations that have hired them. 
The first chapter "Burning Books Before Their Printed" gives the best image of just how larger companies control what it is that we do or do not see. The example that they give is very clear and to the point; a book was about to be released that could financially threaten a company. This company then hired one of the best PR agencies in the country to do 'damage-control' and make sure that as little was heard about this book as possible. And, since the PR agency did their job, that was the outcome.
The fact that this was all carried out without any public knowledge is astounding, but then again, that's what the PR agencies are for right?
This first chapter, among others, really highlighted how much control larger companies have on what we as a society see and hear. Headlines are altered, stories are completely turned around to benefit one over the other, and the list goes on. But we never question it. We never stop to think about where this information is coming from, who it's going to benefit, or more importantly, who's paying for it to be there.
Fake news is something we deal with every day, but we never register it. Maybe it's time we did?

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